Beurre Noisette Peas with Lemon Turkey Medallions.


• 500 g. turkey medallions.

• 500 g. of peas.

• 150 g. butter.

• Parsley.

• 1 tablespoon ginger and garlic concentrate.

• Juice of 1 lemon.

• Salt.

• EVO.

Steps to follow

• Add salt and 1 tablespoon of ginger and garlic concentrate to the turkey. Mix well.

• Put a frying pan over medium heat with a splash of EVO to cook the turkey.

• Leave a couple of minutes on each side (you will know it’s time to turn it around when the profile of the medallion starts to turn white).

• Drizzle with the juice of half a lemon and let the turkey brown slightly.

• Cook the peas in boiling water for 5 minutes (if they are fresh and tender you can sauté them raw).

• Put a pan on medium / low heat and melt the butter (taking care not to burn it).

• Stir occasionally to make sure it doesn’t burn.

• Once the whey separates and the solid residues of the butter start to take on colour, the beurre noisette will be almost ready.

• When the butter residue disappears and it turns a golden hue, it must be removed from the heat so as not to burn it.

• Drain the peas and put them on the beurre noisette to sauté.

• Squeeze the other half of the lemon on top and sprinkle with finely chopped Parsley.

• Place the turkey medallions on top of the peas and ready to serve!

Beurre noisette is a technique of French cooking that consists of darkening the butter without burning it. By separating its elements, it clarifies and converts its solid residues into that golden hue that represents it. The noisette (hazelnut) comes from the aroma it gives off when browned.  

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