Broad beans with chorizo Stew

If I had to choose, autumn would probably be one of my favourite seasons, along with spring. I love to see how the landscape changes, thinking about lighting the fireplace and reading a good book, finish the preserves for the winter, and of course, go back to comfort food spoon dishes.

Today I bring you a dish full of flavour that can be ready in a flash. First of all, I want to clarify that this is not an Asturian beans stew (just in case anyone was already trolling my ancestors after checking the recipe!). This is a quick version of chorizo ​​broad beans stew with a special touch, without further ado. Of course, it’s well worth it, especially on those cold days when we crave comfort food but our busy schedules work against us.


• 800 g. of jar broad beans.

• 2 chorizos in slices.

• 50 ml. of natural tomato purée.

• 100 ml. of vegetable broth.

• 1 small onion in brunoise.

• 50 g. of roasted red pepper (or ñora).

• A pinch of cinnamon. 

• EVO.

Steps to follow

• Cut the onion into brunoise and cook in a drizzle of oil over medium heat.

• Once the onion is translucent, add the chorizo.

• As soon as the chorizo ​​releases the juices, add the finely chopped pepper and natural tomato purée. Let cook for 2 minutes, then add the beans.

• Add the vegetable broth, stir well and add the cinnamon. Stir again and simmer until it starts to boil.

• Let stand 15 to 30 minutes before consuming.

Note: I know, I know! You must be thinking: “this woman is nuts! Cinnamon for a beans with chorizo stew?” Believe me, it’s worth a try. Cinnamon gives a super special touch to this dish.

Spanish Omelette with Chorizo

Today I bring you a quick recipe: Spanish omelette with chorizo. This dish is super useful for those days when we don’t want spend too much time in the kitchen or for those occasions when, at the last minute, you decide to have lunch on the beach or in the countryside. Whether hot, warm or cold, the Spanish omelette is always delicious!

Other than that, the Spanish omelette, like pizza, is not controversy free. Some say it should always have onions, others just potato, and so on. Personally, I always try a little bit of everything (except onions!): Ham, chorizo, zucchini, turnip greens, you name it! The Spanish omelette in our house is practically a blank canvas and we add everything that comes to mind. What about yours?


• 3 large potatoes (I use Red Pontiac).

• 7 eggs.

• Salt.

• Olive oil.

• ½ diced chorizo.

Steps to follow:

• Peel the potatoes and cut into thin slices.

• Season to taste.

• Fry in hot oil for about 10 minutes (or until the potatoes are soft). When they are almost ready, add the chorizo.

• Whisk the eggs.

• Drain the potatoes from the oil and mix them with the egg.

• Remove all the oil from the pan and put it back on medium heat.

• Add the potato and egg mixture to the pan and cook for about 3 minutes on each side. Use a plate to turn it over after 3 minutes.

NOTE: • Quantities are always approximate. You need to consider the type of potato used and how you like the omelette to adjust the amount of egg and the time in the pan.