Pickled Cucumbers & Tumeric Vinegar

Today we’ve got double recipe, but don’t worry that doesn’t mean twice the effort. In this case, it would rather be a two-for-one recipe, as we’re going to prepare some pickled cucumbers and a turmeric vinegar in less than 15 minutes. Pickles are so versatile as they can be used in salads, as a topping on a burger, sandwich, you name it!

Ingredients for the pickled cucumbers:

• 6 cucumbers

• 480 ml of apple cider vinegar

• 400 gr of caster sugar

• 60 ml of water

• 20 g of mustard seeds

• 15 gr of turmeric


• Cut the cucumbers into slices (if you have a mandolin, use it)

• Put the vinegar, the sugar, the water, the turmeric and the mustard seeds in a saucepan. Stir until sugar is fully incorporated.

• Leave on medium / low heat until it starts to bubble but without letting it boil. At that point, add the cucumbers, cover the saucepan and turn off the heat.

• Let infuse for 10 minutes.

• After 10 minutes, place the cucumbers in glass jars (previously disinfected) and cover with liquid almost to the brim.

• Once the cucumbers have been jarred, put them in a pan with boiling water for 20 minutes, so that the jars get vacuum sealed.  That way our preserves last longer.

• After 20 minutes of boiling, remove the jars from the heat and let them cool down. During this process you will hear a click, this will be the sign that the vacuum has been correctly done.

Turmeric vinegar :
Don’t you think of throwing away the leftover liquid from making cucumber preserves! It’s a wonderful vinegar to add to your salads.   Strain the vinegar through a sieve to remove the mustard seeds and jar it in glass bottles or mason jars. It can be stored in the fridge for a long time.