Focaccia Genovese (En)

You know that everything that has to do with bread has already won me over from the very beginning. I don’t care if it’s wholemeal, spicy, square, tall, flat, or if it has horns, if it’s bakeable, it has to be a treat!

One of those bread derivatives that has me completely in love, is Italian focaccia. This flatbread is great as a snack or as a side to dinners, for example. As for the ingredients to top it with, the list is endless. Like pizza, focaccia accepts almost anything that comes to mind. In this case, I share with you the most basic recipe, focaccia Genovese, with just salt.


• 350 g. strong flour.

• 200 m. lukewarm water.

• 7 g. dry yeast.

• salt.

• EVO.

Steps to follow:

• Mix the flour with the dry yeast and 30 ml. of EVO. Dissolve 8 g. of salt in the water and add it to the flour.

  • Knead until you get an elastic and soft dough. If you use a food processor, it will be ready in 5 minutes. If you do it by hand, it will be necessary to knead for at least 15 minutes.

• Let prove 45 minutes by covering the dough with a cloth or in a bowl covered with a shower cap.

• Once the dough is fermented, it is necessary to stretch it on an oven tray, making sure that the dough does not lose all the air.

• Let prove for another additional 45 minutes.

• After that, you will have to wet the focaccia with a splash of EVO and integrate it with your fingers all over the dough, making small holes.

• Sprinkle flaked salt over the entire surface of the focaccia.

• Bake at 220 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes.

• Let cool on a rack for about 30 minutes before serving.

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