Roast Beef with Chinese Five Spice Gravy and Roasted Potatoes

Today I bring you Roast Beef with Chinese Five Spice Gravy and Roasted Potatoes. A delicious recipe that, although it seems quite laborious, is really the oven the one who does most of the hard work.

The spices that make up this Chinese combo are cinnamon, star anise, Sichuan pepper, fennel seeds and cloves. A combination that, with a very little amount, gets an explosion of stunning flavour.

As for the potatoes, the recipe is an adaptation of the recipe of one of my cooking spiritual animals, British chef Jamie Oliver.

Roast Beef

• 1 kg. Beef.

• 1 onion.

• 2 carrots.

• Salt.

• EVO.

• 1 dessert spoon of 5 spice.

• 100 ml. white wine.

• 2 bay leaves.

• 250 ml. vegetable broth.

Steps to Cook the Roast Beef 

• Seal the meat in a pan for a few minutes on each side until completely golden on the outside.

• Cut the onion into eighths and the carrots into chunks. Then season with five spice, a pinch of salt and a drizzle of oil. Stir well and make a bed with them on an oven tray.

• Place the beef on the bed of onions and carrots and sprinkle with 100 ml. of white wine.

• Put the 2 bay leaves in the tray and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes.

• Once the meat is ready, let it rest for at least 20 minutes before cutting.

• Recover the meat juices and vegetables from the oven tray, pour them into a container with 250 ml. of vegetable broth and blend until you get a homogeneous sauce.

• Put the gravy on the burner (medium / low) so that it reduces slightly.

• Cut the roasted beef into slices just before serving and cover with a tablespoon of gravy.

Baked Potatoes (Jamie Oliver Style)

• 8 potatoes.

• 3 tablespoons EVO.

• Salt.

• Thyme.

• Rosemary.

• Oregano.

• 30 ml. red wine vinegar.

• 4 cloves garlic.

Steps to follow

• Cook the potatoes for about 15 minutes or until lightly flaky.

• Drain the potatoes and place on an oven tray.

• Season with salt, thyme, rosemary, oregano and 3 tablespoons of EVO.

• Add 4 cloves of crushed garlic (skin on) with the palm of your hand or with a knife.

• Additionally, they can be splashed with 30 ml. of red wine vinegar.

• Bake for 45 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. After that time, lightly crush the potatoes. Making them crack turns them even more crunchy.

• Bake again for 15 more minutes.

Redondo de tenreira con mollo cinco especias e patacas enfornadas.

Hoxe tráiovos redondo de tenreira con mollo 5 especias chinesas e patacas enfornadas. Unha receita ben completa que, aínda que parece moi laboriosa, realmente é o forno quen fai case todo o traballo duro.

En canto ás patacas, a receita é unha adaptación da receita dun dos meus animais espirituais da cociña, o cociñeiro británico Jamie Oliver.

As especias que compoñen este combo chinés son a canela, anís estrelado, pementa de Sichuán, sementes de fiúncho e cravo. Unha combinación que, con moi pouca cantidade, consegue unha explosión de sabor abraiante.

Redondo de tenreira
  • 1 kg. Redondo de tenreira.
  • 1 cebola.
  • 2 cenouras.
  • Sal.
  • AOVE.
  • 1 cullerada de sobremesa de 5 especias chinesas.
  • 100 ml. viño branco.
  • 2 follas de loureiro.
  • 250 ml. caldo de verduras.
Pasos a seguir para asar o redondo de tenreira
  • Selar a carne nunha tixola durante uns minutos por cada lado até que quede completamente dourada por fora.
  • Cortar a cebola en oitavos e as cenorias en touros. A continuación, condimentar coas 5 especias chinesas, un chisco de sal e un fío de AOVE. Remover ben e facer con elas unha cama para o redondo nunha bandexa de forno.
  • Colocar o redondo sobre a cama de cebola e cenorias e regar con 100 ml. de viño branco.
  • Introducir as 2 follas de loureiro na bandexa e enfornar a 180 graos centígrados durante 40 minutos.
  • Deixar repousar a carne un mínimo de 20 minutos despois do enfornado antes de cortar.
  • Recuperar a prebe da carne e as verduras da bandexa do forno, botalas nun recipiente con 250 ml. de caldo de verduras e bater até conseguir un mollo  homoxéneo.
  • Poñer o mollo ao lume (medio/baixo) para que reduza lixeiramente.
  • Cortar o redondo en rodelas xusto antes de servir e cubrir cunha cullerada do mollo.
Patacas ao forno (estilo Jamie Oliver)
  • 8 patacas de asar.
  • 3 culleradas de AOVE.
  • Sal.
  • Tomiño.
  • Romeu.
  • Ourego.
  • 30 ml. vinagre de viño tinto.
  • 4 dentes de allo.
Pasos a seguir
  • Cocer as patacas uns 15 minutos ou até que comecen a cuartear lixeiramente.
  • Escorrer as patacas e colocalas nunha bandexa de forno.
  • Condimentar con Sal, tomiño, romeu, ourego e 3 culleradas de AOVE.
  • Engadir 4 dentes de allo con pel esmagados coa palma da man ou co coitelo.
  • Adicionalmente, pódense regar con 30 ml. de vinagre de viño tinto.
  • Enfornar durante 45 minutos a 180 graos centígrados. Pasado ese tempo, esmagaremos lixeiramente as patacas para que se abran e queden aínda máis crocantes.
  • Enfornar de novo durante 15 minutos adicionais.

Pumpkin Cream

Another great comfort food dish, to rock in the fall months, is the pumpkin, in all its forms. The one we like to prepare the most at home is the pumpkin cream. We usually cook it spiced, other times with apple … but today I share with you the simplest version of them all (which does not mean that it is the dullest). Pumpkin cream baked with salt, black pepper and oregano. Quick recipe that requires zero effort. You only need an oven and 1 hour of your time.


• 1 pumpkin.

• Salt to taste.

• Black pepper to taste.

• Oregano to taste.

• EVO.

Steps to follow

• Remove the ends of the pumpkin and cut it in half. Remove seeds and threads all around.

• Season to taste and add a drizzle of EVO.

• Bake for 50 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

• Once the pumpkin is roasted, separate the meat from the skin with the help of a spoon.

• Pour the pumpkin meat into a bowl (or food processor) along with the juices that have been created in the oven (it’s an explosion of flavour, believe me!) and beat until you get the right creaminess.

• Incorporate the pumpkin cream into a saucepan and heat over low heat until it starts to boil.

• Let stand 15 minutes before serving.

Crema de cabaza

Outro gran prato de culler (e comfort food) nos meses de outono é a cabaza, en todas as súas variantes. Na casa, a que máis nos gusta preparar é a crema. Xeralmente cociñámola especiada, outras veces cocida con mazá… mais hoxe comparto convosco a versión máis sinxela (o que non quere dicir que sexa a máis eslamiada). Crema de cabaza enfornada con sal, pementa negra e ourego. Receita rápida que require cero esforzo pola vosa parte. Só precisades un forno e 1 hora do voso tempo.

  • 1 cabaza.
  • Sal ao gusto.
  • Pementa negra ao gusto.
  • Ourego ao gusto.
  • AOVE.
Pasos a seguir
  • Quitar os extremos da cabaza e cortar á metade. Retirar as sementes e os fíos do redor.
  • Salpementar ao gusto e regar cun fío de AOVE.
  • Enfornar durante 50 minutos a 180 graos centígrados.
  • Unha vez a cabaza estea asada, separar a carne da pel coa axuda dunha culler.
  • Botar a carne da cabaza nun recipiente (ou procesador de alimentos) xunto coa prebe que se foi creando no enfornado (é unha explosión de sabor, crédeme!) e bater até obter a cremosidade axeitada.
  • Incorporar a crema nunha pota e quentar a lume baixo até que comece a ferver.
  • Deixar repousar 15 minutos antes de servir.

Turnip Greens Galician Soup

Today I bring you one of the quintessential Galician “comfort food” recipes: Turnip greens Galician soup. This variant is my favourite of all times, hands down. That slightly bitter touch of the turnip greens is simply spectacular.


• 400 g. of turnip greens.

• 100 g. of white beans.

• 50 g. of Iberian pork fat.

• 250 g. of desalted pork shoulder.

• 1 chorizo.

• 3 potatoes.

• Salt.

Steps to follow

• Set a pan with about 3 litters of water (approx.)

• When the water starts to boil, add the beans, meat and the pork fat. Cook for 1 hour or until meat and beans are cooked. It is important to skim the beans from time to time.

• Once the meat is cooked, remove it, along with the pork fat, and add the turnip greens and sliced ​​potatoes. Cook for 20 minutes or until potatoes are cooked.

• Salt to taste and let stand before consuming.

1 – If you use dried beans it is important to soak them overnight.
2 – I do not incorporate the meat I use to give substance to the soup into the final result of the dish. I usually serve it with cabbage, chickpeas and potatoes (Galician stew for 2 people) or set aside to make croquettes.  

Caldo de nabizas

Hoxe tráiovos unha das receitas de “comfort food” galegas por excelencia: o caldo de nabizas. De todas as variantes de caldo que temos na Galiza, o de nabizas é o meu favorito, sen dúbida algunha. Ese toque lixeiramente amargo da nabiza é sinxelamente espectacular.

  • 400 g. de nabizas.
  • 100 g. de fabas.
  • 50 g. de unto ibérico.
  • 250 g. de lacón desalgado.
  • 1 chourizo.
  • 3 patacas.
  • Sal.
Pasos a seguir
  • Poñer ao lume unha pota cuns 3 litros de auga (aprox.)
  • Cando a auga comece a ferver, botar as fabas, a carne e o unto. Deixar cocer durante 1 hora ou até que a carne e as fabas estean cocidas. É importante ir espumando as fabas de cando en cando.
  • Unha vez a carne estea cocida, retirarémola, xunto co unto, e engadiremos as nabizas e as patacas laminadas. Cocer durante 20 minutos ou até que as patacas estean cocidas.
  • Rectificar de sal e deixar repousar antes de consumir.
1 – Se empregades fabas secas é importante poñelas a remollo a noite anterior.
2 – A carne que emprego para darlle sustancia ao caldo, non a incorporo ao resultado final do prato. Sírvoa a parte con repolo, garavanzos e pataca (cocido galego para 2 persoas) ou resérvoa para facer croquetas.

Migas Manchegas (En)

Keeping up with the “comfort food” series, today I bring you a recipe typical of La Mancha’s cuisine: Migas (crumbs). This dish is so delicious, but you have to admit that it is one of the champions in the league of high-calorie meals (does it have those grapes to compensate for the excess fat?). I don’t recommend them as a weekly dish but, hey, from time to time, why not?

Another positive point is that migas are perfect as a zero-waste economic dish, as you use the leftover bread crumbs as the main ingredient and side it with chorizo ​​and bacon.


• 400 g. of stale ​​bread (if it’s cake, better).

• 3 chorizos.

• 250 g. of bacon.

• 1 tablespoon ​​choricero pepper.

• 3 cloves of crushed garlic.

• 100 ml. water.

• 6 grapes.

Steps to follow

• Cut the bread into squares and moisten with 100 ml. of water. Stir and place in a cloth to drain excess water (1 hour).

• Cut the bacon and chorizos into small chunks and sauté in a frying pan or wok. As soon as they have a golden colour, set aside on a plate.

• Sauté the bread over medium heat, using the fat of the chorizos and bacon. As soon as the bread is well browned, add the chorizos and bacon again, along with the crushed garlic and a tablespoon of choricero ​​pepper.

• Sauté for another 3 minutes and serve with the grapes cut in half.

Migas Manchegas

Seguindo coa serie da “comfort food”, hoxe tráiovos unha receita típica da gastronomía manchega: as migas. Este prato está boísimo, pero hai que recoñecer que é un dos campións na liga das comidas hipercalóricas (levará as uvas para compensar o exceso de graxa?). Non as recomendo como prato semanal mais, de cando en cando, para darvos unha homenaxe, por que non?

Outro punto a favor é que, as migas, son perfectas como cociña de aproveitamento moi económica, xa que empregas os restos de pan reseso como ingrediente principal e o acompañas con chourizo e touciño.

  • 400 g. de pan reseso (se é de bolo, mellor).
  • 3 chourizos.
  • 250 g. de touciño ou entreteto de porco.
  • 1 cullerada de pemento chouriceiro.
  • 3 dentes de allo triturados.
  • 100 ml. auga.
  • 6 uvas.
Pasos a seguir
  • Cortar o pan en cadradiños e humedecer con 100 ml. de auga. Remover e colocar nun pano para que escorra os excesos de auga (1 hora).
  • Cortar o touciño e os chourizos en taquiños pequenos e saltear nunha tixola ou wok. En canto teñan unha cor dourada, reservar nun prato.
  • Saltear o pan, a lume medio, aproveitando a graxa dos chourizos e o touciño. En canto o pan estea ben dourado, incorporar de novo os chourizos e o touciño, xunto co allo triturado e a cullerada de pemento chouriceiro.
  • Saltear durante 3 minutos máis e servir acompañado das uvas cortadas á metade.

Focaccia Genovese (En)

You know that everything that has to do with bread has already won me over from the very beginning. I don’t care if it’s wholemeal, spicy, square, tall, flat, or if it has horns, if it’s bakeable, it has to be a treat!

One of those bread derivatives that has me completely in love, is Italian focaccia. This flatbread is great as a snack or as a side to dinners, for example. As for the ingredients to top it with, the list is endless. Like pizza, focaccia accepts almost anything that comes to mind. In this case, I share with you the most basic recipe, focaccia Genovese, with just salt.


• 350 g. strong flour.

• 200 m. lukewarm water.

• 7 g. dry yeast.

• salt.

• EVO.

Steps to follow:

• Mix the flour with the dry yeast and 30 ml. of EVO. Dissolve 8 g. of salt in the water and add it to the flour.

  • Knead until you get an elastic and soft dough. If you use a food processor, it will be ready in 5 minutes. If you do it by hand, it will be necessary to knead for at least 15 minutes.

• Let prove 45 minutes by covering the dough with a cloth or in a bowl covered with a shower cap.

• Once the dough is fermented, it is necessary to stretch it on an oven tray, making sure that the dough does not lose all the air.

• Let prove for another additional 45 minutes.

• After that, you will have to wet the focaccia with a splash of EVO and integrate it with your fingers all over the dough, making small holes.

• Sprinkle flaked salt over the entire surface of the focaccia.

• Bake at 220 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes.

• Let cool on a rack for about 30 minutes before serving.