Vegan Red Curry

Curry is one of the most versatile dishes of Indian cuisine (and one of our favourites). Both the dish itself (and its gazillion versions) and the spice, deserve a series but, this time, we will only make a small introduction.

As a first approach to this world of scent and flavour, I bring you a vegan red curry that is second to none, compared to chicken curries.


• 400 grams of cooked chickpeas.

• 6 tablespoons basmati rice.

• 1 tablespoon of tahini.

• Sweet paprika.

• 1 tablespoon tamarind.

• ½ dessert spoon of red curry paste.

• 150 ml. coconut milk.

• 3 cloves garlic.

• EVO.

• Salt.

Optional: Sunflower seeds or zucchini flowers as a complement.

Steps to follow

• Rinse the rice under the tap so that it loses excess starch.

• Cook the rice in boiling water for 12 minutes.

• In a frying pan or wok, drizzle EVO and cook the 3 cloves of garlic (either chopped or pressed).

• Then add the pre-cooked chickpeas (or use jarred ones, to save time).

• Stir in the tahini, paprika, tamarind and curry. Mix well until all sauces and spices are well incorporated.

• Add the coconut milk, salt to taste, and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

• Serve with rice accompanied by zucchini flowers, sunflower seeds or some other nut you like.

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