Miche Bread

Today I bring you a new bread recipe. Miche bread dis one the most famous rustics breads in France. The recipe I share today is a version of the one Sarah Owens shows in her book “Toast & Jam” (2017). My boule is a gazillion light-years away from looking like hers but a girl has to start somewhere!


• 110 g. of active rye sourdough leaven.

• 430 g. lukewarm water.

• 400 g. baker flour.

• 110 g. 000 type flour.

• 40 g. rye flour.

• 10 g. salt.

Steps to follow

• Mix the water with the flours until there are no traces of dry flour left.

• Let stand (autolysis) for 2 hours in a container covered with a cloth or a shower cap.

• After 2 hours, add the sourdough. Let stand 30 minutes and add the salt.

• From here, the block fermentation will take place for the next 4 hours, doing the stretch and fold technique every 40 minutes.

• After block fermentation, let the dough rest on a floured surface for 30 minutes.

• Next, form the boule and place it in a well-floured banneton.

• Cover the banneton with a cloth and a shower cap, then leave it to prove slowly in the fridge for 14/16 hours or over night.

• Remove the banneton from the fridge when preheating the oven. Score the way you like.

• Preheat the oven to 250 degrees with a Dutch oven inside for 20 minutes.

• Place the boule in the Dutch oven with a piece of baking paper on the base so that it does not stick.

• Bake for 20 minutes with the lid on and 10 with the lid off.

• Let cool for 1 hour before eating.

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