Tortiglioni with Kale and Almond

Today I’m going to show you how to prepare a quick and completely vegan recipe: Tortiglioni with kale and almond. Light and fresh pasta dish ideal for summer days.


• 200 g. kale.

• 200 g. tortiglioni.

• 25 g. chopped almonds.

• Juice of 1 lemon.

• 1 clove of sliced garlic.

• EVO.

• Salt to taste

Steps to follow:

• Cook the kale in boiling water for 3 minutes with a pinch of salt and a stream of EVO.

• Cook the pasta in salted boiling water for 9 minutes.

• Once the kale is ready, drain it to sauté with the garlic and a pinch of EVO, on a pan, for 1 minute.

• Next, add the pasta and continue sautéing.

• Add the lemon juice and chopped almonds. Sauté for 1 more minute.

• If you want, you could accompany this dish with grated vegan cheese.

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