Courgette & Bacon Quiche

Quiche is a very practical dish: snacks, dinners or quick lunches accompanied by a fresh salad. Besides, the cool part is that served cold is even better. In addition, if you have kids (and they are not into vegetables) it is also a good solution to camouflage them in the middle of the cheese and the bacon.


• Shortcrust pastry.

• 1 diced courgette.

• 200 g. of bacon.

• 200 ml. of cream.

• 3 eggs.

• 1 pinch of nutmeg.

• 100 g. of grated or powdered cheese. (I recommend using pecorino but, if you are looking for a softer flavour, emmental is also a good choice).

Steps to follow:

• Sauté the bacon over medium heat. Once it releases the fat, incorporate the courgette.

• Whisk the eggs in a bowl and then add the cream and the nutmeg.

• Place the shortcrust pastry on an oven tray where the edges can be adjusted upwards. (Remember that the pastry will be a container and the liquids must be kept in without overflowing).

• Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

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