Larpeira (Sweet Bun)

Larpeira is one of the most representative desserts of Galician gastronomy, especially in the areas of Ferrolterra and Monforte de Lemos. Along with the cream sweet bun or the bica, the larpeira tends to be the queen of all the festivities (or any other dessert or breakfast we want to improve a 100%).

This time, as usual, we will give turn of screw at the original recipe by introducing external elements such as vanilla or limoncello.

For the dough:

• 400 g. 000 flour.

• 2 eggs.

• 100 g. sugar.

• 100 g. fat milk.

• 30 g. fresh yeast.

• 20 ml. vanilla extract.

• 100 g. clarified butter.

• Grated peel of a lemon.

• 1 pinch of salt.


• 250 ml. fat milk.

• 20 g. corn starch.

• 1 stick of cinnamon.

• Half a lemon peel.

• Half orange peel.

• 40 g. sugar.

• 1 egg.


• 50 g. icing sugar.

• 1 shot of limoncello.

Steps to follow

• Dissolve the yeast in lukewarm milk.

• Pour the flour, salt, sugar, clarified butter and grated lemon peel into the stand mixer bowl.

• Mix using the mixer’s shovel for 1 minute (approx.).

• Put in eggs and vanilla extract. At this point we will change the shovel for the kneading hook.

• Once these ingredients are amalgamated, add the milk. Let it knead for about 15 minutes or until it becomes a smooth, shiny dough. A clue to know when the dough is ready and to see that it no longer soaks the sides of the bowl.

• When the dough is ready, we will put it on a tray with oiled parchment paper.

• Shape the dough with your hands (it can be round or rectangular).

• Leave to ferment for 2 hours. While fermenting make the custard.

• After 2 hours, make deep cuts in the dough in the form of a grid.

• Fill the grid lines with the custard using a pastry bag.

• Paint the dough with egg before baking.

• Bake at 170 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes.

• Paint with the icing as soon as the larpeira comes out of the oven.

• Let cool on a rack for 2 hours.


• Dissolve the corn starch in 30 ml. of milk.

• Whisk the sugar and egg until well incorporated.

• Infuse rest of the milk with the cinnamon and the citrus peels. Turn off the heat as soon as it boils.

• Remove the peels and the cinnamon stick. Then stir in the egg and the sugar. Beat until well incorporated.

• Put the saucepan on low heat and incorporate the milk mixture with the corn starch.

• Stir continuously until a homogeneous cream is obtained.


• Mix icing sugar with a shot of limoncello.

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