Dark Cocoa and Coconut Milk Sponge Cake

This recipe couldn’t be easier to remember, I call it the 150 recipe, as it’s the number you have to memorize, regarding quantities. In fact, the measurements of this sponge cake can be used as a basis for any sponge cake you imagine (yogurt, fruit, vanilla, etc.).


• 150 gr of wheat flour.

• 150 ml of coconut milk.

• 150 gr of melted butter.

• 150 gr of sugar.

• 3 tablespoons dark cocoa powder.

• 3 eggs

• 1 sachet of pastry yeast.

Optional: 5 ml of bitter almond extract.
Steps to follow:

• Mix the sugar with the egg yolk and butter until a homogeneous cream.

• Add the coconut milk, the bitter almond extract and the dark cocoa powder.

• Gradually add the flour mixed with the yeast until you get a creamy butter without lumps.

• Beat the egg whites until stiff.

• Incorporate the egg whites into the butter, little by little, making enveloping movements.

• Place the butter in a sponge cake tin.

• Bake for 25-30 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius.

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