Sponge Cake with Limoncello Cream

Today I’ll show you how to make a very basic sweet recipe that is super practical to fix breakfasts time or to serve with coffee/tea when you invite people over: Sponge cake with Limoncello cream

Sponge Cake

100 grams of sugar

150 gr wheat flour

150 gr butter

1 sachet of baking yeast

1 shut of limoncello cream

25 g of citrus powder

3 eggs


• Mix sugar, yolks and melted butter. Whisk until you get a well-blended cream.

• Add the citrus powder and the Limoncello cream.

• Gradually introduce the flour mixed with the yeast.

• Whisk the egg whites until they are stiff.

• Incorporate the egg whites into the dough little by little, and making enveloping movements, so that the egg whites do not lose air.

• Bake for 25 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius.


50 gr icing sugar.

½  lemon juice.


• Once the sponge cake is almost cold, mix the icing sugar with the lemon juice and whisk until well dissolved.

• Paint the surface of the sponge cake with the citrus mixture and let it cool on a rack.

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