Citrus Powder

As you know, I hate to spoil or discard products (especially in the kitchen). I rather find a second productive life for them. In this case, I will teach you what to do with citrus peels.⁣

Citrus fruits are usually used in cooking to obtain their juice or, at most, to scrape a little of the peel to flavour a cake or dish. Well, thanks to Nadiya Hussain I learned that with the peel you can obtain super tasty flakes (or powder) to add to our dishes. This way you will discard a tiny part of the fruit or even nothing if you make compost. ⁣

The process is very simple: ⁣

– Remove the peel with a peeler. Do it wisely so as not to take the white peel too, it would give it a somewhat unpleasant bitter touch. ⁣
– Put the peel in a sunny place until they are well dried. ⁣
– Grind in a coffee grinder or food processor. ⁣
– Store in a dry place.⁣

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