Rye Molete

The top bun of the molete is the distinctive sign of this Galician bread (and also the most difficult part to create). After much trying, I came to the conclusion that there are two techniques that help us get a good bun without damaging our bread and without having to do pizzaiolo moves.

Technique 1: Pinch the centre of the dough firmly from the bottom. Then turn the dough several times until the bun is tight.  
Technique 2: Pinch the centre of the dough firmly from the bottom. Pull up on the pinched piece of dough (careful not to break it) and make a knot.

• 390 ml. lukewarm water.

• 375 g. strength flour.

• 45 g. rye flour.

• 10 g. of salt.

• 80 g. sourdough.

Steps to follow:

• Put the flours in a large bowl that allows you to work the dough.

• Incorporate the water and mix well until there is no dry flour left.

• Autolysis period for 30 minutes.

• Add the sourdough. Let prove for 20 minutes.

• Add salt and incorporate well into the dough.

• Let prove for 30 minutes.

• Bulk fermentation for 4 hours. Stretch and fold every 30 minutes.

• As soon as bulk fermentation ends, flour the work table and place the dough on top.

• Let stand 30 minutes.

• Preform the loaf and leave it in a floured banetton.

• Refrigerate from 12 to 16 hours or overnight.

• Heat the oven to 250 degrees Celsius with a Dutch oven inside.

• Shape the bun following the knot or twist technique.

• Bake for 30 minutes with the lid on and another 10 minutes with the lid off.

• Let cool on a rack 1 hour before devouring it!

Molete de centeo

O moño do molete é o sinal distintivo deste bolo típico da tradición galega (e tamén o que máis costa facer). Despois de moito probar, cheguei á conclusión de que hai dúas técnicas que nos axudan a conseguir un bo moño sen desgraciar o noso bolo e sen ter que facer espaventos de pizzaiolo (ou de integrante de Loco Mía!).

Técnica 1: Beliscar a parte central do bolo con decisión e até o fondo. Acto seguido, xirar varias veces o bolo até conseguir que o moño quede ben tenso.
Técnica 2: Beliscar a parte central do bolo con decisión e até o fondo. Tirar cara arriba do anaco de masa beliscado (con tino de non rompela) e facer un nó.
  • 390 ml. auga tépeda.
  • 375 g. fariña de forza.
  • 45 g. fariña de centeo.
  • 10 g. de sal.
  • 80 g. lévedo natural.
Pasos a seguir:
  • Introducir as fariñas nun recipiente amplo que nos permita traballar a masa.
  • Incorporar a auga e mesturar ben até que non quede fariña seca.
  • Período de autólisis durante 30 minutos.
  • Engadir o lévedo natural. Deixar repousar 20 minutos.
  • Botar o sal e incorporar ben na masa.
  • Deixar repousar 30 minutos.
  • Fermentación en bloque durante 4 horas. Pregados cada 30 minutos.
  • Así que remate a fermentación en bloque, enfariñar a mesa de traballo e botar a masa enriba.
  • Deixar repousar 30 minutos.
  • Preformar o bolo e deixalo nun banettón enfariñado.
  • Refrixerar de 12 a 16 horas ou unha noite.
  • Quentar o forno a 250 graos centígrados cun Dutch oven dentro.
  • Dar forma ao molete seguindo a técnica do nó ou a do xiro.
  • Enfornar durante 30 minutos coa tapa posta e 10 minutos máis sen tapa.
  • Deixar arrefriar nunha grella 1 hora antes de consumir.

Larpeira (Sweet Bun)

Larpeira is one of the most representative desserts of Galician gastronomy, especially in the areas of Ferrolterra and Monforte de Lemos. Along with the cream sweet bun or the bica, the larpeira tends to be the queen of all the festivities (or any other dessert or breakfast we want to improve a 100%).

This time, as usual, we will give turn of screw at the original recipe by introducing external elements such as vanilla or limoncello.

For the dough:

• 400 g. 000 flour.

• 2 eggs.

• 100 g. sugar.

• 100 g. fat milk.

• 30 g. fresh yeast.

• 20 ml. vanilla extract.

• 100 g. clarified butter.

• Grated peel of a lemon.

• 1 pinch of salt.


• 250 ml. fat milk.

• 20 g. corn starch.

• 1 stick of cinnamon.

• Half a lemon peel.

• Half orange peel.

• 40 g. sugar.

• 1 egg.


• 50 g. icing sugar.

• 1 shot of limoncello.

Steps to follow

• Dissolve the yeast in lukewarm milk.

• Pour the flour, salt, sugar, clarified butter and grated lemon peel into the stand mixer bowl.

• Mix using the mixer’s shovel for 1 minute (approx.).

• Put in eggs and vanilla extract. At this point we will change the shovel for the kneading hook.

• Once these ingredients are amalgamated, add the milk. Let it knead for about 15 minutes or until it becomes a smooth, shiny dough. A clue to know when the dough is ready and to see that it no longer soaks the sides of the bowl.

• When the dough is ready, we will put it on a tray with oiled parchment paper.

• Shape the dough with your hands (it can be round or rectangular).

• Leave to ferment for 2 hours. While fermenting make the custard.

• After 2 hours, make deep cuts in the dough in the form of a grid.

• Fill the grid lines with the custard using a pastry bag.

• Paint the dough with egg before baking.

• Bake at 170 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes.

• Paint with the icing as soon as the larpeira comes out of the oven.

• Let cool on a rack for 2 hours.


• Dissolve the corn starch in 30 ml. of milk.

• Whisk the sugar and egg until well incorporated.

• Infuse rest of the milk with the cinnamon and the citrus peels. Turn off the heat as soon as it boils.

• Remove the peels and the cinnamon stick. Then stir in the egg and the sugar. Beat until well incorporated.

• Put the saucepan on low heat and incorporate the milk mixture with the corn starch.

• Stir continuously until a homogeneous cream is obtained.


• Mix icing sugar with a shot of limoncello.


A larpeira é un dos doces máis representativos da gastronomía galega, sobre todo nas zonas de Ferrolterra e Monforte de Lemos. Xunto coa bola de nata ou a bica, a larpeira soe ser a raiña das sobremesas do patrón (ou calquera outra sobremesa/almorzo que queiramos mellorar un 100%).

Nesta ocasión, como de costume, ímoslle dar unha volta á receita orixinal introducindo elementos externos como a vainilla ou o limoncello.

Para a bola:
  • 400 g. fariña de forza.
  • 2 ovos.
  • 100 g. azucre.
  • 30 g. lévedo fresco.
  • 100 g. leite gordo.
  • 20 ml. extracto de vainilla.
  • 100 g. manteiga clarificada.
  • Peleca relada dun limón.
  • 1 chisco de sal.
Crema pasteleira:
  • 250 ml. leite gordo.
  • 20 g. amidón de maínzo.
  • 1 pau de canela.
  • Peleca de medio limón.
  • Peleca de media laranxa.
  • 40 g. azucre.
  • 1 ovo.
  • 50 g. azucre glas.
  • 1 chope de limoncello.
Pasos a seguir
  • Disolver o lévedo no leite tépedo.
  • Botar a fariña, o sal, o azucre, a manteiga clarificada e a peleca relada de limón no recipiente do robot de cociña.
  • Mesturar empregando a pala do robot durante 1 minuto (aprox.).
  • Incorporar os ovos, o extracto de vainilla. Neste punto cambiaremos a pala polo gancho de amasado.
  • Unha vez amalgamados estes ingredientes, incorporaremos o leite. Deixaremos que amase durante uns 15 minutos ou até acadar unha masa tersa e brillante. Unha pista para saber cando a masa está lista e ver que xa non emporca os laterais do recipiente de amasado.
  • Cando teñamos a masa lista, poñerémola nunha bandexa con papel vexetal pintando con un pouco de aceite.
  • Dar forma a bola coas mans (pode ser redonda ou rectangular).
  • Deixar fermentar durante 2 horas. Mentres fermenta faremos a crema pasteleira.
  • Pasadas as 2 horas, faremos uns cortes profundos na masa en forma de cuadricula.
  • Encher as liñas das cuadriculas coa crema pasteleira empregando unha manga pasteleira.
  • Pintar a bola con ovo batido antes de enfornar.
  • Enfornar a 170 graos centígrados durante 20 minutos.
  • Pintar coa glasa en canto a larpeira saia do forno.
  • Deixar arrefriar nunha grella durante 2 horas.
Crema pasteleira:
  • Disolver o amidón de maínzo en 30 ml. de leite.
  • Bater o azucre e o ovo até que estean ben incorporados.
  • Infusionar o resto do leite coa canela e as pelecas cítricas. Apagar o lume en canto ferva.
  • Retirar as pelecas e a canela. Logo incorporar o ovo e o azucre.  Bater até que estea ben incorporado.
  • Poñer o cazo a lume baixo e incorporar a mestura de leite co amidón de maínzo.
  • Remexer continuamente até conseguir unha crema homoxénea.
  • Mesturar o azucre glas co chope de limoncello.

Citrus Risotto with Megrim

Today I bring you a quite healthy recipe and we will use the citrus powder I taught you how to make (you have the recipe in the Culinary Tips section). We are going to prepare a citrus risotto with megrim fillets. The megrim is the perfect fish to cook with this rice as it does not have a strong taste and has practically no bones. So, basically, the megrim will give the dish a fishy touch but won’t mask the citrus flavour of the risotto.


• 8 tablespoons bomba rice (serves 2 people).

• 800 ml. lukewarm vegetable broth.

• 4 filleted megrims.

• 1 lemon.

• Citrus powder to taste.

• 1 cardamom pod.

• Oil.

• Sal.

• Pepper.

Steps to follow:
  • Put a saucepan or frying pan on the cooker with a drizzle of oil over medium heat.
  • Pour the rice and stir for a few seconds to toast.
  • Add the cardamom pod and citrus powder.
  • Cover with vegetable broth and leave on medium / low heat, stirring from time to time so that it does not stick.
  • Continue to pour broth as it is consumed until you get a creamy texture and a well-cooked grain. This will take between 20 minutes and half an hour, depending on the power of your kitchen and the type of rice you use.
  • Once we have the rice almost ready, we will season to taste.
  • Heat a griddle (or frying pan) with a drizzle of oil.
  • When the griddle is hot, place the megrims for about two minutes on each side over medium / high heat.
  • Once on the griddle, pour the lemon juice over the megrims.
  • Serve the risotto in a bowl (or deep dish) with a couple of megrim fillets on top.

Risotto de cítricos con meiga

Hoxe tráiovos unha receita moi lixeira na que botaremos man do po de cítricos que fixemos anteriormente (tedes a receita na sección Trucos de cociña). Imos preparar un risotto de cítricos con filetes de meiga. A meiga é o peixe perfecto para acompañar este arroz ao non teren un sabor demasiado forte e apenas espiñas. Deste xeito, a meiga acompañará mais non enmascarará o sabor cítrico do risotto.

  • 8 culleradas de arroz bomba (para 2 persoas).
  • 800 ml. caldo de verduras tépedo.
  • 4 meigas fileteadas.
  • 1 limón.
  • Po de cítricos ao gusto.
  • 1 vaíña de cardamomo.
  • Aceite.
  • Sal.
  • Pementa.
Pasos a seguir:
  • Poñer un cazo ou tixola ao lume cun chisco de aceite a lume medio.
  • Botar o arroz e remover durante uns segundos para tostalo.
  • Incorporar a vaíña de cardamomo e o po de cítricos.
  • Cubrir con caldo de verduras e deixar a lume medio/baixo, tendo conta de remover de cando en cando para que non se pegue.
  • Seguir a botar caldo segundo se vaia consumindo até conseguir unha textura cremosa e un gran ben cocido. Isto levará entre 20 minutos e media hora, dependendo da potencia da vosa cociña e do tipo de arroz que empreguedes.
  • Unha vez teñamos o arroz case listo, salpementaremos ao gusto.
  • Poñer unha prancha (ou unha tixola) ao lume cun fío de aceite.
  • Cando a prancha estea quente poremos as meigas uns dous minutos por cada lado a lume medio/alto.
  • Unha vez no lume, botaremos o zume do limón por riba das meigas.
  • Para empratar, serviremos o risotto nunha cunca (ou prato fondo) cun par de lombos de meiga por riba.

Lentil Stew with Chorizo

On a rainy day (especially in winter) I like to make soups and stews dishes. Lentil stew is a dish that serves plenty. With few ingredients (and for little money) you get a very tasty (and abundant!) meal. Stews are dishes that despite taking their time, do not require much attention. Although nowadays there are quick options such as pressure cookers, if you are not in a hurry, I always recommend using cast iron pots, the result is out of this world!


• 200 g. of pardina or Franciscan lentils.

• 2 chorizos in slices.

• 1 diced zucchini.

• 2 diced carrots.

• ½ onion in brunoise (finely chopped).

• 2 l. of water or vegetable broth.

• 10 ml. of soy sauce.

• 1 handful of rice.

Steps to follow:

• Heat the empty pan over medium heat.

• Put the chorizo ​​slices and let it loose its fat (we will use that fat to sauté the vegetables).

• Remove the chorizo, add the onion and leave until translucent.

• Add the zucchini and carrots. Leave 3 ’.

• Add the chorizo ​​again and mix all the elements.

• Incorporate the lentils and stir to absorb the flavours.

• Pour the 2 litres of water and boil over medium heat, with the lid on, for about 1 hour. It will need to be stirred from time to time so that it does not stick.

• Once half the time has passed, add the soy sauce to finish seasoning the stew. In this case, as we are using chorizo ​​and soy there will be no need of using salt.

  •  When there is only 15’ left, add the rice and reduce the heat to low.
NOTE: The cooking time will depend on the lentils and the pot you use.

Lentellas con chourizo

Nos días grises (sobre todo no inverno) gústame facer pratos de culler. Os guisos como as lentellas son comidas que renden moito. Con poucos ingredientes (e por poucos cartos) conséguese unha potencia gustativa moi sabedeira (e farturenta!). Os guisados son pratos que, malia levaren o seu tempo, non requiren moita atención. Aínda que hoxe día contamos con opcións rápidas como as potas express, se non tedes presa, eu sempre aconsello facer uso das olas de ferro fundido (ou cocottes), o resultado é cousa doutro mundo!.

  • 200 g. de lentellas pardinas ou franciscanas.
  • 2 chourizos en chouchas.
  • 1 cabaciña en dados.
  • 2 cenorias en dados.
  • ½ cebolla en brunoise (ben picadiña).
  • 2 litros de auga ou caldo de verduras.
  • 10 ml. de salsa de soia.
  • 1 presa de arroz.
Pasos a seguir:
  • Quentar a pota baleira a lume medio.
  • Botar as chouchas de chourizo e deixar desgraxar (empregaremos esa graxa para saltear as verduras).
  • Retirar o chourizo, engadir a cebola e deixala até que se volva translúcida.
  • Engadir a cabaciña e as cenorias. Deixar 3’.
  • Botar de novo o chourizo e mesturar ben todos os elementos.
  • Incorporar as lentellas e remover para que absorban os sabores.
  • Verter os 2 litros de auga e deixar ferver a lume medio, coa tapa posta, durante 1 hora aproximadamente. Será preciso remexer de cando en cando para que non se pegue.
  • Engadir a salsa de soia a media cocción para rematar de condimentar o guiso. Neste caso ao levaren chourizo e soia xa quedará ben sazonado e non precisará sal.
  • Cando queden uns 15’ de cocción, engadir o arroz e reducir o lume ao mínimo.
NOTA: O tempo de cocción dependerá do tipo de lentella e da pota na que as cociñedes.

Broa (Galician Corn Bread)

Broa is one of the most deeply rooted breads in the Galician culinary tradition. Initially, this corn bread was key to poor people’s diet. A literary example of this reality was Balbino, the main character in Memorias dun neno labrego (1961). In this narrative, Neira Vilas reveals rural Galicia through the eyes of this young boy. Balbino, of humble origins, gradually discovers the injustices generated by social classes. While children like Balbino subsisted on Galician soup and broa bread, the more fortunate ones ate wheat bread, drank milk with coffee, and did not have to get up early to take the cattle to graze.

Today, broa has overcome social barriers turning into an essential part of all Galician tables, especially on key dates such as San Xoán. On this magical night, Galicia celebrates the arrival of the summer solstice by bringing Galicians together around a bonfire. The sayings, always full of wisdom, make it very clear: “In San Xoán the sardine soaks the bread”, and if that bread is broa, all the better.


• 500 g. corn flour.

• 250 g. rye flour.

• 125 g. wheat flour.

• 425 g. boiling water.

• 300 g. warm water.

• 250 g. sourdough.

• 5 g. fresh yeast.

• 20 g. salt.

Steps to follow:

• Scald the corn with boiling water and let stand 1 hour.

• Add the rest of the water and mix well with the corn.

• Incorporate the rest of the flours and stir to obtain a homogeneous dough without dry lumps.

• Add the sourdough and the yeast to the flour mixture.

• Let stand for 4 hours so the dough ferments.

• Flour the work table abundantly.

• Place the dough on the work table and flour again on top.

• Shape the dough, being careful not to break it.

• Place the shaped dough on a piece of floured baking paper and let it rest again until the dough crumbles.

• Heat the oven to 240 degrees.

• Place a bowl with water on the bottom of the oven to generate steam.

• Bake the dough for 15 minutes at 240 degrees.

• After the initial 15 minutes, remove the bowl with water and lower the heat to 180 degrees.

• Bake the bread for 1 hour.

NOTE 1: Another way to shaping the dough would be flouring a round bowl, put the dough inside. Toss and shake the dough around to shape it.  
NOTE 2: If you make the bread in a mould, the baking time will increase about 20 minutes. This will depend on the power of your oven and the thickness of the bread.