Kiwi & Nectarine Marmalade

Hey there!

Today I bring you a sweet recipe to give a new life to those fruits going to waste on particularly warm days. One of my culinary obsessions is to find a second use to those products that are about to go to waste: Leftovers, products about to rot or even the orphan foodstuff left alone on your fridge. I always try to follow a zero–waste policy.

On this occasion I decided to share the recipe I use to put into practice when my fruit basket is about to say “GAME OVER”; kiwi & nectarine marmalade. This sweet is a quite versatile product as you can use it for breakfast (on a good old toast) or as a complement for a decadent dessert. The fruit of use is completely random, choose the ones you love. I tend to use acid–ish fruits as I’m not a big fan of too–sweet goodies.

  • 1 kg of fruit.
  • 400 gr of refined sugar.
  • The juice of ½ lemon.
  • Put the pealed fruit on a bowl and mash it until smooth. If you like it chunkier, be my guest. The world is your oyster!
  • Once the purée is ready, mix it up with the sugar and let rest for 3 hours in the fridge.
  • Once the refrigeration period is over, put the mix on a saucepan (medium–low heat) and stir in short intervals, for at least 45 minutes. The cooking time will depend on the thickness you want to obtain.
Note: If you want to control the thickness of the marmalade you can use gelling sugar or agar. Besides, if you have a baking machine and you want to optimize your time, most of these devices have a marmalade program.

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